What an amiable handshake, laughing and smiling, Obama with his free hand lovingly embracing the arm of Venezuelan Socialist Dictator Hugo Chavez. What a joyous time, the socialist dictators of the world uniting in peace. It's enough to bring a tear to the eye, of those that love freedom, that is, and are afraid they are losing it.
A real man would be punching Chavez for calling him an ignoramus just a month ago. Although, after seeing what Obama has been up to recently in the United States, perhaps Chavez has a new found respect for the great TelePrompTer reader. More so perhaps after reading the report issued by the, now very liberal, Department of Homeland (In)Security. The report saying that U.S. Troops returning home should be considered a threat. Also, that freedom loving people who do not believe in the mass slaughter of our unborn children should be considered a threat. That people who do not agree with the socialist ideals of the Obama administration should be considered a threat. I can see how a socialist dictator like Hugo Chavez, who now controls the radio, television and news in Venezuela, could learn to love Barack Hussein Obama almost as much as the "liberal" media does.
If Obama could just get rid of Fox News, talk radio and a handful of newspapers and magazines, then he too would have total control of the media in America. I guess they do have a lot in common.
A real man would be punching Chavez for calling him an ignoramus just a month ago. Although, after seeing what Obama has been up to recently in the United States, perhaps Chavez has a new found respect for the great TelePrompTer reader. More so perhaps after reading the report issued by the, now very liberal, Department of Homeland (In)Security. The report saying that U.S. Troops returning home should be considered a threat. Also, that freedom loving people who do not believe in the mass slaughter of our unborn children should be considered a threat. That people who do not agree with the socialist ideals of the Obama administration should be considered a threat. I can see how a socialist dictator like Hugo Chavez, who now controls the radio, television and news in Venezuela, could learn to love Barack Hussein Obama almost as much as the "liberal" media does.
If Obama could just get rid of Fox News, talk radio and a handful of newspapers and magazines, then he too would have total control of the media in America. I guess they do have a lot in common.
The next couple of elections in America are going to be very important. For those of you who are unaware, the Senate, the House of Representatives and the White House are all controlled by Socialist leaning "progressives" aka "liberal democrats." If we have a prayer of maintaining the freedom that we have held to so dearly in the past, we are going to have to vote for candidates that oppose big government programs, wealth redistribution and that support a constitutionally limited government.
We are not extremists, we are average freedom loving Americans. The extremists are in POWER in America right now, and the only way we can stop them is to vote them out of office.
We are not extremists, we are average freedom loving Americans. The extremists are in POWER in America right now, and the only way we can stop them is to vote them out of office.
Copyright 2009 Stephen Rigg