If you have ever been intoxicated, you know what a bad idea it would be to have drunken sailors running the country. When one is intoxicated, all inhibitions go out the window and money becomes no object for almost anything, um, so I am told.
I for one am tired of the government spending money like drunken sailors. I believe that is what most people are angry about. (Not Republican sore losers as suggested by the "liberal media") I have no problem with drunken sailors blowing their money however they want, as long as it is their money they are blowing. The government, on the other hand, is blowing money that they have not worked for or earned, but rather have stolen from the American people and future generations. I want America to get back to the principles that this country was founded upon, Individual Liberty, Personal Responsibility, and a Constitutionally Limited Government. (yes, this phrase was in my last blog and will be in many more to come, I am going to keep repeating it until people grab a hold of it.)
I am not an anarchist, I realize that to have national security we have to have some government and some form of tax. However, the federal, state and local governments have been going hog wild making up taxes, we have so many taxes it is not even funny. I am sick to death of being taxed every time I turn around while irresponsible politicians do nothing but sit around and think of new ways to spend money. It has to come to an end, and that is what is beginning to happen with these Tea Parties. Hopefully, Americans are starting to wake up to what the government has been up to and is going to put an end to it.
This government, along with the media http://tinyurl.com/2xj2eb, has caused most of the financial problems that we are experiencing at this time. I do not believe that they are capable of fixing the problems, only making them worse. We do not have a free market, we have an over regulated market, which does not allow the market to work correctly. For instance, the government forced lending institutions to loan money to people who did not financially deserve loans, and that were clearly going to default on the loans. Obviously, under those circumstances, the market is being manipulated and is doomed to fail. A free market would not have allowed this to happen in the first place, but if it did, it would correct itself. The government is spending trillions of tax payer dollars in an attempt to repair a problem that they caused and still to no avail.
We the people need to put these politicians back in their rightful place, under our power as our representatives. It is our responsibility to hold them accountable for their actions and to keep them sober! Support the Tea Parties, write to your congressmen, call your congressmen and most of all, vote for candidates that want to actually represent you and are in favor of limited government.
Copyright 2009 Stephen Rigg
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